The Geeky Baju Project is a series of Southeast Asian garment designs inspired by literature, video games, and films. In this series, I explore the intersection of popular culture with traditional garments as a means of storytelling. More at
(Based on American Gods by Neil Gaiman)
Call others to you in a sumptuous tengkuluk talakuang and selendang.
The richly embroidered velvet head covering is part of traditional bridal wear in Koto Gadang, West Sumatra.
Hold lives in balance in the featherlight garb of a Nattukottai Chettiar.
The Nattukottai Chettiars came to Southeast Asia for trade, taking up work like banking and money-lending.
Overturn staid tradition as you enter the scene fashionably.
Hijabsters combine the wearing of the veil (hijab) with the best of what hipster clothing has to offer.
Bring invisible forces to bear on your enemies in a subtly patterned tangzhuang.
The tangzhuang is based on the Manchurian horse-riding jacket, magua, and made from brocade decorated with repetitive auspicious characters.
Digital Art. 24″ x 18″ giclee print on Ilford Textured Cotton Rag 310.