Onsite & Online

Digital Osmosis by Alvin Koay

1st July - 8th August 2023
Digital Osmosis by Alvin Koay


Experience "Digital Osmosis," an enthralling solo art exhibition by contemporary figurative abstract artist Alvin Koay. It is a profound journey into the artist's mind, where personal narratives merge with artistic innovation, celebrating the canvas of life and the power of self-expression through art.
Join us for "Digital Osmosis," a mesmerizing solo art exhibition by the contemporary figurative abstract artist Alvin Koay, running from the 1st of July to the 7th of August, 2023.
Dive into an immersive experience where physical canvas converges with digital animation, and each artwork tells a tale. This exhibition offers a unique blend of physical paintings that serve as a tangible manifestation of Alvin's memories, hopes, expectations, and worries. Every piece carries a personal narrative, a vivid slice of Alvin's life story, embodied in abstract expressionism.
Complementing these are animated digital versions of selected works, further deepening the exploration of Alvin's psyche. These renderings bring new dimensions to the original pieces, inviting viewers to interact with the art in a dynamic, intimate manner.
Adding another layer to the experience, video projections will be on display showcasing work-in-progress snapshots, offering a rare glimpse into Alvin's creative process. Marvel at the fascinating evolution of the Bulat-Bulat generative artworks and delve into their rich stories, enhanced by hyperlapse videos of live paintings in progress.
"Digital Osmosis" promises a journey into the depths of an artist's mind, where personal narratives intertwine with artistic innovation. Experience Alvin Koay's world where life itself is a canvas, and art serves as the ultimate form of self-expression.
Exhibition Venues
1st July - 8th August 2023
Penang State Museum & Art Gallery
Dewan Sri Pinang
10200 George Town
Pulau Pinang Malaysia
About Organiser
Alvin Koay

Alvin Koay is a self-taught contemporary artist and is best known for his intuitive style of painting and bold colors. Resonating with the abstract expressionism movement of post world war II, he is influenced by early works of Willem de Kooning, Basquiat, Picasso and other great painters of that era. All of his works are based on impulses, spontaneity and improvisation. He constantly finds “accidental aesthetics” as he attacks the canvas with vigorous colors, lines and textures. He paints his state of mind and emotions, with motives from mother nature, animals and his personal life experiences. Alvin uses primarily acrylic on canvas as his preferred medium.